1. Call to order. 2. Roll call and establishment of quorum. 3. Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval of November 13, 2023, meeting minutes. 4. Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding authorization for the payment of claims. 5. Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding signature on the MPWA account at Mabrey Bank to add Charla Newport-Sadler and Joe Berryhill and remove Sonny Lamb. 6. Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval regarding the purchase of vehicle up to $25,000. for the MPWA department. 7. Review, discussion, and approval/disapproval of adding the 2006 Ford F250 6.0 diesel to the Purple Wave auction listing. 8. COMMENTS AND INQUIRIES OF COUNCIL. 9. Motion to adjourn.